WB-XPERIA TW Gingerbread V3 リリース

WB-XPERIA TW Gingerbread V3 がリリースされました。
[ROM] Wolfs TW Gingerbread | Feel the difference | V7b6 [stable] | 03/12/2011 - Post #950 - XDA Forums



fixed Force Closes of all Apps
made everything super light [85mb the whole ROM]
removed Sony Ericsson/Google anonymous Feedback
completly removed unneeded SE and Google Services
store Ringtones and Notifications on SD Card to save internal Memory
removed SE customization like SE as Start Page in Browser
xLoud, Bravia Engine and Theme Chooser from ARC included
Reboot Options Mod included
framework supports Japanese Language
Compcache, VM Tweaks, Kernel Tweaks, Network Tweaks, Governor Tweaks, Battery Tweaks and more optimized
Process Priority/Sysctl Tweaks fully reviewed
Automatic APN search at first Boot
Audio lags improved [still present but not as worse]
fixed Wifi scanning and reconnect
new build,prop Tweaks
faster Startup
better Memory Management [more free RAM]
improved Peformance, Smoothness and Battery

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